• Music Video: Have to Give Dirty Cat a Bath by Chad Thurman


    If you have Apple Music subsciption you can download the song from iTunes!!

    Have to Give Dirty Cat a Bath is a fun-ominal rap song about Ziggy the kitty cat, Chad Thurman and how these lives straight up cat-apulted into  a music video! Left on the mean streets, of the North Shore of Oahu, in the Hawaiian Islands, Ziggy was a true gangster, murdering rats and birds. Then the two thugs hit it off and now this cool cat meowed into Chads pad! So this legendary story is told through rap and rhyme with bubbles, candles, disco lights and dance, as Chad has to give Ziggy, the dirty cat, a bubble bath!


    DOWNLOAD the song HERE: https://store.cdbaby.com/cd/chadthurman

    iTunes & Apple Music https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/hav...

    Amazon Music Check out "Have to Give Dirty Cat a Bath" by Chad Thurman on Amazon Music. https://music.amazon.com/albums/B07L7...

    Spotify https://open.spotify.com/track/0LjrZm...

    Google Play https://play.google.com/store/music/a...

    YouTube Music https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=HFa...


    Lyrics: *This song is dedicated to mother meowing Ravioli, Ravioli's a red cat. Ziggy, Ziggy, Ziggy, is my kitty, kitty, kitty. And it's so pretty, pretty, prettay, Have to Give Dirty Cat a Bath. I'm damn allergic to cat hair, but I don't even Siamese care. Have to Give Dirty Cat a Bath. Have to wash my hands with soap, after brushing kitty, so he looks dope. If I don't, I get red eye, I may even begin to cry. I used to put the cat in my arms and say it was, a love locker, call Ziggy a pretty Princess, but then I got a big shocker. Took it to the vet and the vet told me, that up inside Ziggy had a PP. Got the cat from a neighbor thought the feline was female, but I found out he is not a she AND SHE IS A MALE! And Ziggy, Ziggy, Ziggy, is a piggy, piggy, piggy, always want to meow, meow, meow! Finicky tryna show me who's baa-oss. Ziggy will do a cat call, so I will fill up his bowl, with meow mix, not kibbles n bits. When I snap open the can of fancy feast, Ziggy is in luck to say the least, Uuuuuhh (vocalizing) Eating too much, eating too much. Kitty, kitty, kitty, I love you sooo and kitty, kitty, kitty I won't let you goooo. (vocalizing) Happy Caturday, don't forget about the puppies too.*


    This song HITS like thunder and POPS like corn. If your down with kitty cats and love to FEEL the BEAT, then, Have To Give Dirty Cat A Bath, is for you! Have you ever loved a cat? Have you ever taken a tiger in the jungle river? Have you ever thought a kitty was a girl, then was like, damn, its a boy! That's what this song is about. Have you ever had an allergy attack so bad you couldn’t breath? Have you adopted an animal and made it part of your family? BOOM, then Have To Give Dirty Cat A Bath is for you! Dope beats, old school rapping flare, and auto-tune up the ass. If you like cat videos and laughing, then BOO YAH, Have To Give Dirty Cat A Bath is for you! Do you like Eminem? Then Have To Give Dirty Cat A Bath is NOT for you!

    Created by http://ChadThurman.com / @hawaiinarco / @ChadThurman.comYo

    Camera: SJ Hines / @theSenseiSJ

    Special Thanks: Kai Ellison / @kaielli

    Landon McNamara / @landon_mcnamara

    Billy Sherman / @badassbillyshermanjr

    & Ian Parnell was in no way associated with this video!

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